Can’t Cut List | Samuel Wallace

Can’t Cut List is our way of showcasing the friends, partners, and affiliates of The Undroppables. Fantasy Football has been a way for us to connect with people all over the world, allowing us to make strong bonds and friendships. Throughout the way, we’ve been fortunate enough to connect with the industry’s top upcoming names. Meet some of the brightest minds that have influenced us in our processes.

Humble Roots

I remember when Samuel Wallace first entered the fantasy football scene less than a year ago. Young, hungry, and humble are the words that come to mind when thinking about Sam and who he is. From my countless interactions with him, talking football and life, there has been one constant which is Sam’s genuine desire to be a nice guy and uplift others. Hailing from just outside Green Bay, Wisconsin, Sam was born and raised in the Midwest and attended Wisconsin Lutheran College, a small D3 school.

After graduating, Mr. Wallace went into teaching at a local high school where he still teaches 9th grade social studies and economics and personal finance for junior and seniors. When I asked him why he chose the teaching profession, his answer was not surprising: Sam had a lot of great teachers growing up so he wanted to give back and do the same. Whether it’s working hands-on with the students or interacting with parents and faculty, Sam truly enjoys his day job as he gets to focus on education and helping shape the next generation. When he’s not teaching class about economics or schooling Twitter about the next WR breakout, Sam likes to run (huh?!) and get outdoors with some camping or hiking.


One thing I’ve noticed about Sam is that he doesn’t stop. Ever. He started off off with Dynasty Football Factory but is currently one of the top writers over at RotoViz. He is always churning out content and I consider him one of the most prolific content creators in this community. If you asked his friends what Sam is like, you’d get the same sentiment: that this guys never stops grinding! From a fantasy football perspective, his research and analysis focuses on the wide receiver position as it has always intrigued Sam. As he puts it, the league is becoming more pass-happy which usually produces 2-3 FF viable WRs on each team.

Taking Action

When Sam identifies a player who interests him and he will take a deeper dive, whether it’s a change in perceived value from coach-speak or news update, something will pique his interest. From there, he is looking for actionable insights. But in the end, fantasy football is just a game to him and he’s more interested in building relationships with people in the community (which is a big part of the reason we connected when he first joined the community). And unlike many of us, Sam’s notion of success isn’t about winning titles necessarily or money – it’s all about the community.

Hat Tips

Some of Sam’s strongest influences are Kane Fossell, who originally asked him to join DFF, Shane Manila and our very own Paul Lundgaard. He also gives a lot of credit to his boss man at RotoViz, Curtis Patrick.

Always Building

As I mentioned earlier, Sam looks out for others first and foremost. And that is what makes him an absolute gem in this community and someone I was excited to get to know better. If you ever have questions about fantasy football or even life, Sam’s DMs are always open. I know cause I’ve reached out plenty of times and will continue to do so.

Words of Vizdom

“Be passionate, be willing to learn, and be a good person. It’s so easy to look at experts in the industry who are at the top of data analysis, film analysis, DFS, high stakes and it’s easy to compare yourself to them. Find your passion and go with it!”


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The ringleader of The Undroppables, Chalk works in the shadows and behind the scenes of the brand. With a preference to remain a supporter and facilitator of the team’s influencers and personalities, Chalk’s focus is to ensure that The Machine stays well-oiled. With years of experience across dozens of leagues, Chalk brings deep and actionable insight to his fantasy football analysis. You can follow him on Twitter at @101chalk.

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